Sunday, June 7, 2009

MTV Cribz: Billings Edition

Hello, I'm Jared Bray. Join me now on an exclusive tour of Jared and Cristina's new home. We'll start the tour with this shot of the front yard. As you can see we have a beautiful, freshly mowed lawn about the size of two, foursquare courts - a perfect area for Booty to expel waste and mark territory. 

This is a view of our kitchen from the living room. It's cozy. Right now all you'll find is a bunch of milk and Chex®, but once Cristina joins me with some cookware don't be surprised to see me throw on my ol' BYU Cooking110 apron and put to use our brand new state of the art oven, stove and microwave. This is also the place we'll imprison let Booty hang out when we leave the house. 

Pictured above, we have our bedroom, which is currently bedless. And below you can see our brand new baƱo. Yep, my cheeks were the first to grace that seat :)

Last, but not least, meet our back yard. As you can see, we have a little padio for shish kaboobing, tree for our bird feeder and grass for throwing tennis balls to Booty. It's nice. 
Well, that's the end of the tour. Hope you liked our place. Come visit when you get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. Cute cute cute!!! Looks like you found the perfect place for you guys to live... Keep me posted (:
